What is Nochex payment system? It is the popular payment service standing up for UK merchants and making sure they get a great deal!
Today, Nochex is the UK’s leading independent online payment method. Established in 1999 and taking payments since 2001, the company earned itself a popular reputation among the early online community of would-be entrepreneurs and eBay sellers.
Nochex became the primary UK-based alternative payment choice on eBay, competing successfully with the likes of PayPal, Worldpay and other early internet payment processing options.
However, in 2006 eBay, which had acquired PayPal in 2003, made a dramatic decision to no longer allow sellers on eBay to use Nochex. In the immediate aftermath, many eBay sellers closed their accounts and placed all their business with PayPal. Many merchants were extremely reluctant to take this step, but with their livelihoods at stake, this was an entirely understandable decision.
Following a popular campaign by UK sellers, Nochex was able to overturn eBay’s decision, but the damage had been done, and many former account holders did not return. Thereafter, eBay continued its campaign against Nochex by restricting sellers in their payment choices.
What is Nochex payment system? It is the popular payment service standing up for UK merchants and making sure they get a great deal!